"I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones
will cry out."
Luke 19:40.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDS DO not in themselves prove that the Bible is the word
of God; nor do they prove the truth of statements about the future. However, archaeological finds have in many instances
provided vital proof that statements, places, people or events which have been dismissed previously as mythical were indeed
Despite attempts to discredit historical and geographical statements
in the Bible, no evidence whatsoever has come to light which shows the Biblical record to be erroneous. It is true that some
archaeological interpretations may be disputed, but this does not cast doubts upon the accuracy of the scriptural account;
it only shows the fallibility of men.
In this branch of science lies a challenge to the Bible, for
every time the archaeologists spade finds a potsherd, a statue, a brick, a seal or a scroll, it could prove a biblical statement
to be inaccurate. But it is a challenge that has been more than met, for, far from proving the inaccuracy of the Bible, archaeology
is constantly proving its truth (http://www.biblelight.org/arch10.htm).
CLICK: Top Ten Archaeological Proofs of the Bible in the Past Century